Description of levels (ENG)
As you well know, some of our students already know a bit – or a lot! – of English and find the first weeks of Moomin Language School too easy and therefore not as engaging. We have been asked about different levels of learning for a long time, and rest assured that we have been listening.
Every child is different, and we cannot possibly take into account every possible learning history that our students may have. The levels are not perfect, but they are designed to help you as a teacher to create the best possible learning experience for your students. We would love to hear your feedback and take it into consideration as we develop our levels in the future, but we are going to be starting out by offering SEVEN LEVELS.
When deciding which level your students should start on, take a look at the levels’ descriptions. If it seems like the themes and phrases are already familiar to your students, move on to the next level. Once you commit to a level, your students will be directed to the first day of the first week of that level, but all the previous days and weeks will be open to them.
If they seem to be struggling, you can always direct them backward in the application. A good idea is to navigate to the last chapter test, which should be one step back from their starting point. If they struggle with the test, it might be a good idea to move them back to the beginning of that chapter.
Chapters 1-3
Weeks 1-13

This is the default, beginner level that your students should start at if they have no English skills or are very young and still learning to use a tablet. On this level the students are introduced to fundamental, everyday vocabulary and the simplest conversational sentences. No language skills required!
Themes: family, home, nature, animals, food and drink, kindergarten, home, vehicles, traffic, shopping
Chapters 4-7
Weeks 14-31

On the second level students should already know some basic everyday vocabulary about home, family and their environments, plus some simple conversational sentences. They will be introduced to verbs and preposi- tions and more descriptive sentences.
Themes: park, home, animals, games, kitchen, friends, family, colors, clothes, body
Chapters 8-11
Weeks 32-50

On the third level students should already be comfortable with some basic everyday vocabulary and conversational sentences. During this level they will be introduced to more complex sentence structures as well as numbers and counting.
Themes: adjectives, colors, weather, toys, animals, fruits and vegetables, entertainment and technology, classroom, shapes, arts and crafts, baking
Chapters 12-15
Weeks 51-66

On level four students who have started at level one will have studied with Moomin Language School for at least a year. This is a significantly more advanced level that starts to incorporate longer conversations, more com- plex sentences and longer story lines. Students do not have to understand everything that is said but starting from this level they will get used to hearing a lot more English and learning to pick out familiar words from spoken word.
Themes: numbers, birthday, costumes, pets, kitchen, bathroom, colors, clothes, routines, feelings, jobs, ball games, months
Chapters 16-19
Weeks 67-82
By Level 5, children should have been learning English for about two years. Longer conversations and story lines continue, and the grammar gets more diverse with comparisons, modal verbs and past tense structures. As before, all the language content is introduced in playful contexts and through stories. Children continue to be immersed in the language as they hone their listening and speaking skills.
Themes: seasons, a year, on the beach, feelings, jobs, traveling, weekdays, library, fruit,
ball games, gymnasium
Chapters 20-23
Weeks 83-98
By Level 6, children should have been learning English for about two and a half years. Children hear more complex sentences and get more used to the different verb tenses. In addition to new language, the themes introduce children to general knowledge about the natural world.
Themes: birds, exercise, forest, feelings, jobs, creepy crawlies, music, museum, space,
reptiles, myths, ocean life, dinosaurs, crafts, babies
Chapters 24-27
Weeks 99-114
Level 7 is the final level. By Level 7, children should have been learning English for about three years. This level combines knowledge from previous themes and presents them from a different perspective while deepening children’s understanding of the topics. New topics are also introduced. Level 7 gives children a more global perspective by looking at the world at large.
Themes: families, home, helping out, circus, friends, games, animals, traveling, holidays,
rainforest, a year, weather, the world